Thanks for being a star on Jefferson Giving Day! Check back soon to see the results of our collective impact!


Don't miss the chance to multiply your impact, thanks to gift matching opportunities from some of our most generous donors.

Past Events

The Kent Gushner Participation Challenge (all gifts eligible)
Thank you to our incredible donors who helped us reach our participation goals of 1,500 gifts, 2,500 gifts, and 3,000 gifts! You helped unlock a total of $100,000 from Kent Gushner, President of Boyds Philadelphia and Jefferson benefactor.
Jefferson Cabinet Halfway Challenge
We're proud to share that we achieved 100% participation from the Thomas Jefferson University leadership cabinet! Thank you for unlocking an additional $10,000 gift from H. Richard Haverstick, Jr., Interim President of Thomas Jefferson University and CEO of Jefferson Health, to Jefferson!
The Lisa Oakley Family Foundation Match for the SKCC - SCP (1:1)
Thank you to all our generous donors who maximized their donation with our $25,000 match from the Lisa Oakley Family Foundation for the Specialty Care Pavilion - Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center!
SKCC Match (1:1) for Patient Services provided by Dan Wilson
Thank you to the generous donors who made gifts to the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center Patient Services Fund and the Links for Lungs Philadelphia Patient Support Fund! You doubled your impact with the $25,000 matching gift from Dan Wilson, founder of Links for Lungs Philadelphia and proud Jefferson patient and benefactor.
$2,925 / $25,000 Raised
Jefferson Community Leaderboard
Every member of the Jefferson community plays a role today! Check the live leaderboard to see the impact alumni, employees, patients, parents, students, and friends are making throughout the day!
My relationship to Jefferson is (select all that apply)
Rank Answer Gifts
1 Staff 1,991
2 Faculty 398
3 Alumni 118
4 Friend 104
5 Patient 92
6 Post-Graduate Alumni 54
7 Student 45
8 Parent 31
New Challenge Alert: Jefferson Challenge provided by Robert J. Cindrich (all gifts eligible)
Thank you to the generous donors who helped us reach our goal of 50 gifts by supporting Jefferson. You helped unlock a $5,000 gift to the Compassionate Resident Program, in honor of Richard C. Gozon, member of the Thomas Jefferson University Board of Trustees and former President of Thomas Jefferson University provided by Robert J. Cindrich.
50 / 50 Gifts
Marketing Match (1:1) provided by Chuck G. Lewis
Thank you to our generous employees in the Marketing department who doubled their impact with the $5,000 match from Chuck G. Lewis, Executive Vice President and Chief Growth and Marketing Officer.
$5,000 / $5,000 Raised
The Colameco Family Challenge
Thank you to the generous donors who helped us reach our goal of 50 gifts by supporting the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center (SKCC) Patient Services Fund and the Barbara A. Colameco Cancer Transportation Fund! You helped unlock an additional $40,000 gift to SKCC from the Colameco Family!
31 / 50 Gifts
SKCC Employee Match (2:1) provided by Pierluigi Porcu, MD
Thank you to all our generous employees who maximized their support by making a gift to the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center. Every dollar was matched thanks to a 2:1 match $25,000 gift from Pierluigi Porcu, MD, Professor and Director, Division of Medical Oncology and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation.
$4,565 / $12,500 Raised