MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Thank you for making Jefferson Giving Day an astronomical success! You can of course still make a gift to help us improve lives by clicking here!

Maximize your impact!

Match and challenge opportunities can increase your gift’s impact!

Please check out the various matches and challenges provided by generous benefactors. 

Past Events

Jefferson Student Clubs & Organizations Challenge
Thank you to every student club and organization that participated in Giving Day! Your gift unlocked a total of $1,500 toward student groups. Special thanks Carol and Bob Lockyer '68, for your generous gift to support Jefferson student clubs and organizations on Giving Day!
Rank Prize Student Group Challenge Gifts
1 $600 Vietnamese Students Association 98
2 $400 Jefferson Christian Cornerstone 90
3 $200 WPHU Radio 51
4 Sigma Nu 41
5 Black Student Union 6
The Mike Zimmerman '98 Alumni Challenge
When generous alumni make a total of 150 gifts to any Jefferson top initiative, class of 1998 alumnus Mike Zimmerman will generously donate $15,000 to Jefferson.
150 / 150 Gifts